Monday, July 15, 2013

Banana Peel To Relieve Pain And Heal The Wound

banana peel
Banana is one of the most popular fruit all around the world for its delicious taste and easy to grow. Bananas grow in a wide variety of soils, as long as the soil is at least 60 cm deep, has good drainage and is not compacted.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mangosteen Skin Juice to Cure Tumor

Many people say that tumor is as same as cancer, but actually both of them are different. Cancer is condition of uncontrollable cell growth, and tumor is condition when the cell growth is abnormal and creating lesions. In many cases, tumor can cause bump in some of body part. Tumor can be divided into two kinds; the malignant and the tame.
There are some potential factor can cause tumor, which is:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Symptoms of Brain Cancer

brain cancer
Cancers of the brain are the result of abnormal growths of cells in the brain. Brain cancers can come up from primary brain cells, the cells that form other brain components (for example, membranes, blood vessels), or from the growth of cancer cells that grow in other organs and that have spread to the brain by the bloodstream (metastatic brain cancer).

Although many growths in the brain are often called brain tumors, not all brain tumors are cancerous. Cancer is a specific term for malignant tumors. Malignant tumors grow and spread very aggressive. They disturb healthy cells by taking space, blood, and nutrients. Like all cells of the body, tumor cells need blood and nutrients to survive. This is especially a problem in the brain, as the extra growth within the closed limits of the skull can lead to an increase in intracranial pressure or the distortion of surrounding vital structures, causing their malfunction.

Removing Scar Using Traditional Herbs

Every one of us must have experienced brushes or scar on our skin because fallout from bike or after playing rough football. This brushes maybe not dangerous for health, but the scar can affect on our look. Even though some men thinks that having scar can get more masculine look.

Removing the scar sometimes difficult and need longer time. But actually, there some traditional herbs that can help us in this problem. Here are some herbs to cure scar:

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Benefits Of Onion For Health

Onion is one of most common spice used in daily cooking. When we make burger or sandwich, it won’t be a tasteful one without onion. But actually, onion’s function is not merely for cooking purpose, but this spice is also very useful for our health.

Since 4000 years ago, onion has been used by the Egyptian and Indian for health purpose. Some story said that Egyptian is using 9 tons of gold to bought onions as a main food for Pyramid workers. They believe that onions can give strength for doing heavy task.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Aloe Vera, Magical Plant To Cure Diabetes

Aloe Vera is a kind of succulent plant species originally came from Arabic and Africa. Often used as ornamental plant, aloe vera are known as wild plants which grow in hot climates.

Since 3500 years ago, aloe vera are very popular as medicinal herb with many benefits. This plant has been used by Samaritan people around 1875 BC. The Egyptians also recognize the benefits of this plant as medicinal herb since 1500 BC. In fact, the Egyptian called aloe vera as “plant of immortality”.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Using Avocado Seeds to Cure Diabetes

The most important thing for patient with diabetes is to maintain healthy eating habits. Food with less sugar will be highly recommended. Fruit consumption will also be dilemmatic problem for diabetic patient; they have to think twice to eat all the sweet fruit.

Patient with diabetes should choose fruit which has low glucose. Fruit with high alcohol content such as durian are better abandoned. However, there's some fruit that beneficially for diabetes patient, avocado is one of them.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Danger of Diabetes in Our Daily Lives

Diabetes recently has become very common problem for human; not only older people but children and teenagers also can suffer this disease.

The data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey say that teenage obesity and overweight rates had increased in recent years. It found that the percentage of teenagers testing positive for diabetes and prediabetes had nearly tripled to 23 percent in 2007-8 from 9 percent in 1999-2000.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Some Herbs May Help Prevents Heart Attack

Heart is one of the most important organs in human body. The fact that all blood in human body can flows because of heart has make heart disease became very dangerous. This disease attack the most vital part of human body.

In order the heart can work properly, it need elastic blood vessel so the oxygen and other necessary nutrient needed by heart muscles can be provided. The best way to keep heart disease go away is through healthy lifestyle.

Besides healthy living, these following items may help you to prevent heart disease:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Healthy Life Habit Can Reduce The Risk Of Heart Attack.

Heart attack has become scary diseases among people around the world. You’ll never know, that suddenly the heartbeat stop in any time or any place. But I think it’s never too late to take the step to prevent this disease.

Taking medication can reduce the risk and help the damaged heart, but the most important is to change bad lifestyle which has become the main cause of heart attack. This step maybe not as easy as it said, but i think changing bad life habit is the most reasonable thing to do.

Here are several tips to avoid heart attack:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Heart Attack, the Dangerous Killer of Mankind

Heart attack is one of the most dangerous killer of humankind, and has more victim than any serial killer ever known in history. The real serial killer such as Luis Garavito or Pedro Alonso López only kill around 400 people. But heart attack has killed abour 600.000 people only in US, and that’s about 1 in every 4 death.

The Benefits of Apple For Health

Apple is one of very popular fruit that almost exist in every country. Its soft and sweet taste has become favourite for appetite or desert, and sometimes mixed into main food.

Along with its delicious taste, apple also has many useful mineral for our body. Consuming apple regularly can help our body stay health.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Acupuncture; Exotic Traditional Chinese Medicine

China is a place where one of the oldest civilizations had been existed thousand years ago. The empire of china also has spread their knowledge around the world. Right now we can see the Chinese heritage such architecture, martial art, and also traditional method of healing.

One of the most famous traditional methods of Chinese medicine is acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of method which fine needles are inserted into the skin at certain points on the body.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Too Much Salt Cause Hypertension, Stroke, and Other Disease
Salt is very popular ingredients that never absence from our food. Almost every food in all over the world always uses salt. Salt is composed from mineral called natrium chloride, with the composition 40% natrium and 60% chloride. Actually this mineral is important for our body, but not in excessive amount.

The ion of natrium chloride in small amount is needed by our body to keep arrange the amount of water in the body. Not only needed to keep the balance of water, but we also need salt to help the transmission of nerve impulse to the brain. Natrium also have a role in contraction and relaxation of our muscles because it can pull water like a magnet.

Beside those good advantages, the excessive amount also has bad effect to our body. Here is the danger of salt: 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Benefits of Cloves as Traditional Medicine

dry cloves
Cloves or clove, known in Latin as Syzygium aromaticum , are the aromatic dried flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae. Originally from Maluku island in Indonesia, cloves often used as spice in cuisines all over the world.

In European countries, clover is often used as a spice in cooking, while in Indonesia is commonly used as the main ingredient of cigarettes. Beside for culinary purpose, cloves actually has another significant benefit for traditional medicine such as following:

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Secret of Beautiful Skin using Rice Scrub

rice scrub

Rice is a common food often used by Asian people to fulfill their need of carbohydrate and release the hunger. To be served, rice often accompanied by another kind of food such as meat, vegetables, and fruits.

Beside its function as staple food, rice also useful for beauty treatment. One of the secret recipes of beauty treatment used by Javanese princess in the old time is using rice flour. Rice is also used by Japanese women who known to have smooth and soft skin.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Practical Method of Reflexology

Massage is one of the oldest healing methods for human. The usability was very common because this method can fix directly to several human problems such as twist or sprain. There is another traditional method of massage called reflexology or zone therapy.

Reflexology is an alternative medicine involving the physical act of applying pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques. This method claims that some zone in the body is the reflection of another body part.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cucumber for Diabetes, Skin treatment, Rheumatic, Hair Fertilizer, and Other Benefits

Cucumber, or in Latin called cucumis sativus, often seen on our dining table as dishes, salad, or pickled. Cucumber at first came from India, but now this vegetable grown on most continents. According to FAO, right now the massive producer of cucumber is China, with at least 60% of global output.

Next to tomatoes, cabbage, and onions, cucumbers are the fourth most widely cultivated vegetable in the world. Many different varieties are traded on the global market.

Actually cucumber has many benefits to our health. Here some of them:

Monday, March 25, 2013

Advantage of Watermelon for Heart, Bones, and People with Hypertension

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus ) is a flowering plant originally from southern Africa. The watermelon fruit, loosely considered a type of melon – although not in the genus Cucumis – has a smooth exterior with green, yellow and sometimes white color. The interior is juicy and sweet, with flesh color deep red to pink, but sometimes orange, yellow and even green if not ripe.

Watermelon is very fresh especially when it’s eaten on summer or hot weather. The water contains high fiber which can prevent dehydration. Watermelon also has many benefits for health such as following:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Eating Raw Garlic and Its Benefits To Health

Garlic (allimum sativum) commonly known as a spice for cooking purpose. With a history of human use of over 7,000 years, garlic is native to central Asia, and has long been a principal ingredient in the Mediterranean region, as well as a common seasoning in Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was known to Ancient Egyptians, and has been used for culinary and medical purposes.

Garlic is easy to grow mild climates. Almost all of the garlic is cultivated by planting individual cloves in the ground. In cold climates, cloves are planted in the fall, about six weeks before the soil freezes, and harvested in late spring.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Herbal Treatment to Obesity

Having big and fat belly is not only bad for our looks, but also for health. Obesity can cause cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, etc.  
To deal with it, many people choose instant ways using drugs and medicine with its many risk; increasing blood pressure, sleeping disorder, more heartbeat rate, liver damage, headache, kidney’s damage, shock, etc.  
Anyway, I thinks its always better to try natural method such this below:


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